This paper summarized what should be attched imprortance to after signing agreement and how to do it after going back on one's agreement by analyzing the legal nature, legal validity of personal relationship and the cause of breaking the contract. 文章通过“私了”的法律性质、律效力和“私了”后反悔的原因进行分析,总结了签订“私了”协议应注意的问题和协议后反悔应如何处理。
The Validity of Law as a System of Rules: An Explanation of Hart's View of Legal Validity 作为规则体系的法律的效力&对哈特法律效力观的解读
Legal Validity of Electronic Contract and Countermeasures 电子合同的法律效力问题及对策研究
Any act of adoption ruled to be invalid by a people's court shall be of no legal validity from the very start of the act. 收养行为被人民法院确认无效的,从行为开始时起就没有法律效力。
The Social Fact Thesis ( which is also known as the Pedigree Thesis) asserts that it is a necessary truth that legal validity is ultimately a function of certain kinds of social facts. 事实命题(就是大家所熟识的谱系命题)言法律效力最终是某种社会事实的功能。
This Supplemental Agreement is written in both Chinese and English language in two copies, each Party having one copy with equal legal validity; 本补充协议以中文和英文书就,一式二份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等效力;
The Legal Validity of the Action to Award Patent: Institutional Choice for the Patent Law Reform 论专利授权行为的法律效力&兼评《专利法》改革中的制度选择
A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity. 正式确认向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性。
Criticism of the Source-based Criteria of Legal Validity& Review on Anatomy of the Law written by Lon Fuller; 基于渊源的法律有效性判准之批判&兼评朗·富勒《解析法律》
The second part of the legal validity of a small maternity ward analysis. 第二部分对小产房的法律效力进行的分析。
But some are questioning their legal validity. 但有些质疑其法律效力。
The validity of norm includes several dimensions: legal validity, moral validity, actual effect. 规范的有效性包括法律效力、道德效力、现实效力几个纬度。
E. the legal validity of the E-commercial arbitration agreement and the electronic evidence; application of law for the E-commercial arbitration. 本文即对电子商务仲裁所面临的若干法律问题,诸如电子仲裁协议的法律效力、电子商务证据效力、电子商务仲裁适用的法律等进行了深入的研究。
The second part of this thesis focuses on the legal validity and criterion for judgement of the comparative advertising. 本文第二部分对比较广告的合法性及其判断原则进行分析。比较广告可以通过比较使消费者增加了解与选择商品的机会,通过比较使生产者认识自己产品的不足。
While, traditional validity, glamorous validity and legal validity constitute politics validity's three foundations together. 而传统合法性、个人魅力合法性及法理型合法性,则构成了政治合法性的三大基础。
Social Basis of Legal Validity 法律合法性的社会基础
The first chapter analyzes the concerned concept about origin of legal validity. 第一章,首先对与法律效力的来源有关的概念进行辨析和厘订,为下文打好基础。
A Study of Hart's View of Legal Validity 哈特法律效力观研究
Invalid administrative act has no legal validity from beginning to end because of its gross and evident illegalities. 无效行政行为因具有重大的明显的违法情形,自始不发生任何法律效力。
Hart claims that law is a system of rules, and the rule of recognition provides the criteria of legal validity. 哈特主张,法律是一个规则体系,承认规则提供了检验所有其他规则效力的标准。
The second problem research the concept of origin of legal validity. 第二个问题探讨法律效力来源的内涵。
Furthermore, different legal validity and compensation responsibility of the mistake has been established. 同时确立了意思表示错误不同的法律效力和表意人的赔偿责任。
The plaintiff and the third party may request the court to review the legal validity of abstract administrative act in initiating the litigation as well as in the process of litigation. 原告和第三人既可以在起诉时也可以在诉讼过程中,向法院提出对抽象行政行为合法性的审查请求;
But due to the differences between the legal nature and legal validity of the civil execution reconciliation, our existing system of execution reconciliation run in the opposite direction of what it is with its original intention. 但由于对执行和解制度的法律性质和法律效力存有争议,导致我国现行的执行和解制度与设立初衷背道而驰。
And further more, it deeply analyzed the basic legal issues of Xi 'an environmental planning from three dimensions of the legal nature, legal value and legal validity. 并进一步从城市环境规划的法律性质、法律价值和法律效力三个维度对西安市环境规划的基本法律问题进行深层分析。
Because regulations have legal validity and contractual, and even a special advantage, and government use regulations to rule the private schools to be legitimacy and rationality. 因为章程不仅具有法定效力和契约性,还具有独特的优势,政府用章程规制民办学校具有合法性和合理性。
This thesis aims to study the legal validity of corporate lending contracts in five parts. 本文笔者试图从四个部分对企业间借贷合同的法律效力进行了探讨和思考。
The legal validity is one of the basic questions which are about jurisprudence. 法律效力是法理学的基本问题之一。
Legal validity is the important basis and ground for law authority, and is the central problem of jurisprudential researches and studies of philosophy of law. 法律效力是法律权威的重要基础和根据,也是法理学和法哲学研究的中心问题。
The first issue encountered by online arbitration is the legal validity of online arbitration agreement. 网上仲裁所遇到的第一个法律问题便是网上仲裁协议的效力问题。